Supposedly a couple of radio personalities from Ireland, their humour is to simply raise the pitch of their voices to an annoying level and make bad jokes and perform worse sketches.
Woohoo, another blog update! This disaster of a record I found today completely by accident whilst researching the Budweiser 'Whazzup?' adverts on Wikipedia. So I ask you: Whazzup?
This company has a lot of albums, many of which are subliminal training CDs. From Subliminal Algebra to Subliminal Zither, it seems there's no skill that can't be learnt subliminally.
I'm sure that Cape Cod is lovely. However, Christopher Seufert must really love the place, because he's recorded at least 10 albums of audio from there, 8 of which are on Spotify.
The Bagpipes. A musical instrument so awful it was used in war to drive fear into the hearts of the enemy. That, and wearing nothing underneath their kilts.